Tuesday, February 28, 2012

tie-the-knot tuesday ::: wedding party!

it's tuesday - time for some wedding talk.  i immediately knew that i wanted my bridesmaids (and bridesman) in floral prints and thankfully everyone was cool with that.  sometimes, i wish i was wearing floral too!  here are some inspiration photos and some links to some top-notch floral dresses that i would not mind anyone wearing.  ever.  wedding or not!

this was the first photo i saw that made me realize that i wanted floral bridesmaids dresses.
this entire wedding is phenomenal and i'm sure these people are BA.
plus the groom is wearing a floral tie!  bonus!

these dresses (and the whole wedding story) are AWESOME!
my bridesmaids would SO be wearing these, but they're kind of pricey and i wanted to keep things as low-key as possible.
this photograph is from the etsy shop that makes them!

i don't know the source of these dresses (if you do, help me out!) but they're pretty dang cute!
plus, i love the fans!

here are some of my top contenders of dresses from modcloth.

there you have it!  you can bet your booty that my bridal party will be wearing floral, 
but you'll have to wait until AFTER the wedding to find out what!
i'm so excited!

aubrey elaine!


  1. That's a great idea! I love when bridesmaids are all uniquely dressed. Our wedding was on a major budget so I just had my bridesmaids in a black dress of their choice. And there's ALWAYS one that shows up in a skin-tight dress like she's about to hit the clubs. Ah well. What can ya do. :P

    1. i completely understand the major budget! my girls all picked different floral dresses. thankfully none of them are skintight, but they are SHORT so they're wearing colored tights underneath :).
