Friday, January 7, 2011

i need to change...

how horrible of a blogger i am.  in actuality, i'm really not a blogger.  yet.  i like to read blogs, why yes i do.  and i like to think about what i would blog, but it never actually gets out or down.  but it is a new year and i am going to try my hardest to get this thing rolling, if only for my own sake.

life has been crazy (for me) - right after i finished finals, my sister came home from atlanta for the holidays (which was awesome), then there was new years, and then there was recovering from new years.  so, cheers.  here's to a new beginning.

i started doing a 365 project and so far, it's going alright :).  i've got lee to keep me in check and remind me to take my photo everyday.  what a nice boy i have.  my plan is to post one everyday, but i'm a little backlogged right now, so here's a couple at once.

shiner and his favorite toy.

my vintage marker bin.

lee & i hung out at the coffee shop (where he works) 
and got to sample different kinds of chai today.

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